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A. García García
"El modelo de desarrollo alternativo de Ecuador de 2007 a 2017: nuevas estrategias, mismas limitaciones ambientales", "Third Annual International Congress of Doctoral Students", None-None, 2023
A. García García
"Idealizing Poverty? Evidence from Happiness Studies and an Invitation to Think", "21st ISQOLS 2023 Annual Conference", None-None, 2023
F. López Castellano
"review of Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, "Liberalism Caused the Great Enrichment"", Qeios, vol.Mar 7, 2023
, 1-9, 2023
J.A. Morillas Del Moral
F. García Quero,
"Valorization of food products in a knowledge-based economy: analysis of the PDO ¿Sierra Mágina¿ olive oil cooperatives", Food, Culture, & Society
, -, 2023
F. López Castellano
"En la Economía Política no hay que buscar la exactitud geométrica: Estadística y reforma fiscal en las Cortes de Cádiz", "Problematizar el Catastro", 27-44, 2022
F. López Castellano
A. Ruiz Villaverde,
"Epilogue", "Neoliberalism and Unequal Development Alternatives and Transitions in Europe, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa", 220-225, 2022
F. López Castellano
"Medio siglo de fiebres: sanidad y economía política en España (1810-1855)", "Los hospitales y las pandemias en España e Italia desde una perspectiva histórica", 145-170, 2022
F. López Castellano, C. Lizarraga Mollinedo
R. Manzanera Ruiz,
"Neoliberalism or neoliberalisms? Ideology, governmentally and real world "experiments"", "Neoliberalism and Unequal Development Alternatives and Transitions in Europe, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa", 3-12, 2022
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024